Friday, March 30, 2012

How could poisonous to gather cyanogen amine corn milk three times " Drink " It?

How could poisonous to gather cyanogen amine corn milk three times " Drink " It?
How could poisonous to gather cyanogen amine corn milk three times " Drink " It?
Hunan Province quality supervision department find Hunan the intersection of distant mountain and the intersection of milk industry and the intersection of lactic acid and corn milk that produce gather cyanogen amine and exceed standard seriously three times in not checking, notify administration for industry and commerce of Hunan Province, ask the association to check to administrations for industry and commerce in all parts of the country. Hunan pool chief of Municipal Quality Supervision Department Li HongWei claims to the reporter, can not " find this batch of poisonous milk that the distant mountain milk industry produce on the market " ,Behind these Municipal Quality Supervision Department knows news, recovers a part of answering also, " the possibility left has already been drunk up by consumers. There should not be now on the market " . Why not notify the milk of poisonous corn to the society publicly all the time, Li HongWei claims, " this needs a procedure " . (according to A26 edition of today of this newspaper) The poisonous corn may suckle consumers " Have not drunk " ,The such one says the diction and really chills the heart. The production of supervising enterprises, containing and gathering cyanogen amine and exceeding standard three times from source, it is originally the most basic responsibility of supervision department, even this juncture of producing the source can not be held, should take measures in time, prevent it from circulating on the market. And after the accident happened, the supervision department does not not merely notify the powder incident of poisonous corn to the society publicly in time, still " consumers drink Israel up " In order to be investigated perfunctorily, this can't help enabling people's Lenovo, who who has dealt with method of the poisonous milk product to drink unlucky? Deal with the milk product and gather cyanogen amine and exceed standard seriously three times, should disclose all truth of the matter to the society in time at first, even only find the problematic but unknown other matters of milk product, trade mark, manufacturer,etc. products materials that should announce the milk of question to the public in time, in order to prevent that poisoning the milk products continues endangering consumers. And the relevant quality supervision department of Hunan is after the milk products goes wrong, the way that only take enterprise's recovery of letting and the quality testing pursues and attacks, obviously can't prevent the continuation of the poisonous milk products from circulating fundamentally. Self-evident, after the poisonous milk products appear, it is particularly important to ensure the public right of being in know, because relevant enterprises recall and the quality supervision department one was recovered and always lagged behind, if the responsible institution does not announce to the society, consumers' health will continue being injured most probably in time, thus can not get the effective right. In the incident, the quality supervision department knows perfectly well that does not notify the milk of poisonous corn to the society publicly, will result in damaging the health incident of citizens and continuing happening, but with " procedure " Perfunctory for excuse, this obviously ignores the public right of life and health. The poisonous milk is drunk up by consumers, it is undoubtedly the shame of the quality testing department! Ask to can't help, the food quality testing organization closely linked with public health and happiness, why is so indifferent to common people's health? Do not announce in order to inform the world, take " secret measure " instead in time after discovering the problems ,Attempt to dispel the food scandal silently. Such food quality testing " The procedure " Really frightening and worrying, under the circumstances that such food supervises management system, any healthy citizen may all continue drinking and contain rich amount of three poisonous milk power which gather the cyanogen amining. It is bantered to citizen's life and health that this is real, despising and trampling on at will to citizen's right of being in know. In addition, " neglects " of the quality supervision department ,While damaging citizen's rights and interests, have influenced image and public trust of the food supervision department seriously too. Higher authorities should investigate the wrong origin in time, take the effective remedy, mend the fold after the sheep have been stolen, stop the similar incident recuring, must not let matters drift, end up in nothing definite.


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