Drink two ink help and reduce weight effectively before the meal while being every
Drink two ink help and reduce weight effectively before the meal while being every
American researchers claim, they find while it is weight-reducing that it is controlled that 12 - week heat takes in while reporting a clinical test result, the weight-reducing one that the participant drinking two glasses of water before every meal has not drunk the water more than those, subtract weight of 5 pound more averagely. Agriculture and institute's human nutrition of life sciences, specialized associate professor of food and sport of institute of technology of Virginia of the fort of Virginia Blake Sri Lankan of U.S.A., the senior author BrendaDavy doctor of this research calls their research and contrasts the test at random first, in order to indicate to increase the intaking amount of water it is an effective weight-reducing method. "In the course of 12 weeks, drink two glasses of water, the weight-reducing one three times a day before the meal every day, subtract weight of 5 pound more if not having the weight-reducing ones increasing the moisture and taking in more than those. " Dr. Davy advises us to reduce the absorption of high sugar, high heat beverage, change into that drinks more boiled water. "This is that one promotes management simple method of weight. " It is very simple to drink the reason why the hydroenergy reduces weight before a meal, lie in it is zero calorie that the heat that drinks water takes in, let people produce full the intersection of belly and sense, cause, while having a meal can take less. If replace the card beverage high in candy content drunk in the daytime as boiled water, contribute to reducing heat to take in. Such as ordinary soda of about 350 ml, contain the sugar of about 10 teaspoons, about 150 calories of heat. American medical research institute of national academy of sciences proposes the healthy crowd's amount of drinking water and should be guided by the natural thirsty feeling. Roughly quantity is that women are 9 cups of liquid (including boiled water) ,Men are 13 cups. Though drink water and help to reduce weight, is very dangerous that too much moisture is taken in, can cause water to be poisoned, so should drink the water in right amount too. American researchers claim, they find while it is weight-reducing that it is controlled that 12 - week heat takes in while reporting a clinical test result, the weight-reducing one that the participant drinking two glasses of water before every meal has not drunk the water more than those, subtract weight of 5 pound more averagely. Have a lot of benefits on health to drink appropriately, include reducing the risk of suffering from heart disease, apoplexy, diabetes. A new research shows, right amount of alcohol can also lighten pain that rheumatic arthritis brings, limit the development of its symptom. Discover, risk and every day that the person not drinking suffers from rheumatic arthritis have a drink at least, the persons who drink of twice compare every week, it is roughly 4 times of its. Researchers still find, the rheumatic arthritis patient drinking compares with patient not drinking, there are less situations with severe symptoms. Moreover, the more drink, the slighter symptom is. "Alcohol can reduce the immune activity, to a certain extent at least, we guess this main reason that can lighten the rheumatism joint inflammation of drinking. " Researchers claim. But this does not mean, the rheumatic arthritis patient should run to the bars or wine shops nearby immediately. Because the research contents have not included drinking as the best more or less. And, some medicines curing rheumatoid arthritis, such as purine of first ammonia butterfly, will cause the liver to damage if drink while taking. In addition, drinking can not totally prevent from suffering from rheumatic arthritis. American researchers claim, they find while it is weight-reducing that it is controlled that 12 - week heat takes in while reporting a clinical test result, the weight-reducing one that the participant drinking two glasses of water before every meal has not drunk the water more than those, subtract weight of 5 pound more averagely. Weight and depression compare with Americans of the normal weight, fat Americans suffer from depression more easily. According to latest health and happiness index investigation of Gallup, about 1/4 of the overweight persons claim in U.S.A. they are diagnosed as and suffered from depression, this is well-above the proportion that American normal in weight suffers from depression. This new investigation still points out, over 1/4 of the adult overweight persons of U.S.A. have passive mood to experience, if worried, angry, sad. The investigation finds, the fat adult has already been diagnosed that it is 23.2% to suffer from the proportion of depression, and overweight adult's proportion is 14.9%, the adult normal in weight is 14.3%, it is 19.1% that the weight leans towards the light adult. The report still points out: In the fat crowd, 41.6% of the people feel pressure, 34.5% of the people call them worried, 15.7% of the people feel angry, 19.9% of the people have sad experiences. In the overweight crowd, 37.4% of the people feel pressure, 29.5% of the people call them worried, 13.1% of the people feel angry, 15.8% of the people have sad experiences. In the normal weight crowd, 39.4% of the people feel pressure, 30.6% of the people call them worried, 12.6% of the people feel angry, 16.3% of the people have sad experiences. In the weight leans towards the light crowd, these proportions are 42%, 35.9%, 16%, 21.3% respectively. Therefore, the weight is too high or crosses the low mood that will influence people, and then influence people's health.
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