Saturday, June 23, 2012

The drugs sample goes on Taiyuan street The material object is teach people how to far away from the drugs

The drugs sample goes on Taiyuan street The material object is teach people how to far away from the drugs
The drugs sample goes on Taiyuan street The material object is teach people how to far away from the drugs
Cable of June 24 of Taiyuan (Zhao Jing) When International Day Against Illicit Drug Trafficking and Abuse come, Shanxi all parts launches anti-drug propaganda actively, on the 24th, go on the small street of shop district of Taiyuan of Shanxi, let everybody know the drugs at short range in various drugs samples, thus avoid that because sucks and catches the drug addiction by mistake. Anti-drug squadron's captain Wang Junsheng of the group of Taiyuan small criminal policeman of branch office of shop of municipal public security bureau says, sample for let, see the intersection of understanding and drugs whose masses of drugs can kind in put drugs in the street, avoid sucks or is inveigled, sucked the drugs in ignorant cases by mistaking, cause the last reliance to have the drugs. Annual propaganda is too in order to let the masses know what is the drugs, understand kind and danger of the drugs, make people far away from the drugs fundamentally. Propagating attracts numerous people to visit live, a 11 -year-old child says, this is the first time to see drugs personally, having also listened to the uncles of police explaining much knowledge about drugs, it is known what is the drugs, see appearance of the drugs, know its danger to the person, I will propagate the harmfulness to the of the drugs actively too later, make the person around far away from the drugs. It is world against drugs day on the International Day Against Illicit Drug Trafficking and Abuse on June 26. 12 - 26 of June of 1987, the United Nations holds narcotic with the participation of more than 3000 representatives of 138 countries to abuse in Vienna and traffic in the ministerial meeting of the question illegally. The meeting has proposed " loving the life, does not take drug " Slogan. The representative participating in the conference agrees unanimously to determine as on June 26 annual " The International Day Against Illicit Drug Trafficking and Abuse " ,In order to cause the attention to the drug issue of countries all over the world, call global people to solve the drug issue together at the same time. (End)


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