Saturday, June 23, 2012

The ones that must eat every month defend the old and feeble food

The ones that must eat every month defend the old and feeble food
The ones that must eat every month defend the old and feeble food
In recent years, the scientists explore, put out some food, eat two kinds in the following food every day through studying, can build up health, slow aging. The mushroom is nutritious and improving immunity, reducing weight, there are abundant nutrient components such as a large number of inorganic qualities, vitamins, proteins,etc. in the mushroom, but heat is very low, often eating will not get fat either. And the cellulose of the plant that the mushroom is high in, can prevent constipation, reduce the cholesterol content in the blood. Vitamin C in the mushroom is much higher than general fruit, can promote the metabolism of the human body. It is very important that folic acid in the spinach and spinach aims at mother, supplementary and sufficient folic acid when being pregnant, not only can avoid catching the baby with the development defect out, can also lower the probability that the new born baby suffer from diseases such as leukemia, congenital heart disease,etc.. The expert briefs on: The oxalic acid content is not eaten to the spinach editor, reminded while suffering from diarrhoea at most: The spinach includes more oxalic acid, hinder the absorption of calcium of organism. So should use the boiling water first hotly and softly while eating the spinach, pull out and and then fry. Because infant and pre-school children need enriching the calcium badly, and suffer from the calcium deficiency of pulmonary tuberculosis, there are diseases person such as richets, kidney stone, diarrhoea,etc., should eat few or give up and eat the spinach temporarily. The tomato gives protection against cancer, gives you good appetite, is full of vitality, whiten. (1)Should not eat with the cucumber at the same time (2)Take Heparin, a pair of fragrant beans are plain,etc. unsuitable to eat while resisting the blood coagulation medicine (3)It is unsuitable to eat at the time of the empty stomach (4)It is unsuitable to eat the tomato not ripe (5)Should not heat and cook, eat for a long time (6)He includes a large amount of vitamin C in the edible tomato of taboo when being quick to take neostigmine or add blue, contain 20-30 milligrams of vitamin C in every 100 grams of tomatoes. Vitamin C has function of strengthening organism resistance, preventing and curing scurvy, resisting infecting etc.. And contain vitamin C of volume and decompose enzyme in the cucumber, it can make vitamin C in the tomato destroyed to eat them at the same time. Chocolate is happy - -Chocolate has calm function, its taste and mouthfeel still can stimulate the happy centre in the brains of people, make people happy. Protect the tooth - -The forming that the taking off ores result is the decayed tooth, and chocolate can delay the speed of this course. It is beneficial and cardiovascular to often eat chocolate - -Whom phenol have obviously resist oxidation in the chocolate, it can lengthen other antioxidant such as Vitamin E, function time of vitamin C in the body, can also promote vasodilation, inhibit inflammation from reacting and taking shape with the blood clot at the same time, thus get up and prevent the result of the cardiovascular disease. Black chocolate relieves fatigue - -Contain high weight in black chocolate " Much phenol " ,Help to improve the plain level of serum in the brain, the easy slow tired disease. Improve the sexual life - -There is second amine alcohol of composition benzene of chocolate even more " LSD of chocolate " Pet name can last centre,it is reach by orgasm not to last people. It is difficult for a lot of consumers to support the delicious food of chocolate, get fat after being also afraid of eating. The expert participating in the conference thinks, it is that one has a genetic defect to be fat, also there is disease that many kinds of factors such as being insufficient of eating and activities have interacted and caused, more than 95% of the fat is caused by eating too much and lacking sports. The expert proposes: Right amount of supplementary chocolate of 15 minutes before sports, help the energy in the movement to supply and recovery after sports. Will not fill out while wanting to enjoy the delicious food, should certainly take exercises more.


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