Sunday, June 24, 2012

The poisonous snake endangers the feeling Prominent " help medicine " It is incomplete to store the mechanism

The poisonous snake endangers the feeling Prominent " help medicine " It is incomplete to store the mechanism
The poisonous snake endangers the feeling Prominent " help medicine " It is incomplete to store the mechanism
A woman needs to inject and resist snake venom serum after being bitten by the poisonous snake, can't send for a specific drug like this in Nanyang. In the morning of August 28, the patient's relative sought all over in all hospitals in Zhengzhou, it is gainless too. Every summer, have it sometimes person that poisonous snake bite, the loud area big flood takes place while being national this year, the habitat of the snake is destroyed, is increased sharply especially by the number of people which the poisonous snake bites. However, resist often shortage of snake venom serum. Resist the intersection of snake venom and serum behind the one a difficult to ask one, to have the intersection of public service and particular the intersection of reserve and disappearance of mechanism that use medicine of property. Newspaper reporter Yin XiaoZhang / texts and pictures of today It is sought that difficult to dash for ward and is bitten the morning of August 27 of medicine everywhere, the townships of four li of shops of mahjong county of Nanyang, retired ex-employee Han Jing, while working in the vegetable plot, the left leg is bitten by the poisonous snake, is sent to a hospital of Nanyang promptly. The doctor says, must inject and resist snake venom serum at once, otherwise the patient will present renal function and liver function to damage, even have a life danger. However, can not find a specific drug like this in the whole Nanyang. The next morning, the doctor advised patients to transfer institute to the treatment of Zhengzhou immediately. Han Jing's relatives make a phone call to relative Wang Ran working in Zhengzhou immediately, let it there is this kind of medicine which hospital he look for Zhengzhou. Meanwhile, relative of Jing Han let again relative on business do me a favor the connection in Beijing. Wang Ran makes a phone call to the People's Hospital, Zheng Da of Henan Province and encloses several hospitals such as institute, the People's Hospital, Zhengzhou two times in a hurry. However, they have not stored and resisted snake venom serum. Extremely anxious Wang Ran contacts Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Zhengzhou again, the terrible one is, they have not stored either. A staff member of this centre says, how long have not they stored this kind of medicine already, while needing, like growing the medical logistics Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as " likes growing the pharmaceuticals " from Henan )Buy, he makes the king right and gets in touch with this company directly. The king is right put through this company to support the medicine telephone in 24 hours, the business personnel says, the love grows the pharmaceuticals there is not this kind of medicine, for the previous period, a patient needs to resist snake venom serum too, after but released and bought information on the net, have never feedbacked information. After the news of Zhengzhou introduces to Nanyang, it is burning with anxiety to plan to rush for the patient's relatives of treatment of Zhengzhou, the patient's left leg has already swollen and ached, and turn black at this moment. Finally, the relative on business got in touch through the acquaintance in Beijing, adjusted to one and resisted snake venom serum at last. That afternoon, Han Jing in Nanyang hospital was injected and resisted snake venom serum, broke away from the life danger at last. Why resist the whole country of snake venom serum and run out of goods not to resist snake venom serum in so many hospitals? This lets Han Jing and relative feel puzzled. In the investigation, a doctor insisting on anonymity says, it is specific drug to resist snake venom serum, but there are few patients, hospitals just connect and examine one or two in one year. Moreover the short, price of this kind of medicine validity is expensive, demand to be strict in storing the condition, so the hospital is unwilling to store. While generally needing, phone pharmaceuticals and adjust the goods, has never expected that so in short supply this year. It is that Henan Province an only home deals in the unit which resists first aid medicines such as snake venom serum,etc. that the love grows the pharmaceuticals. On December 18, 2007, the department of public health of Henan Province sends a letter for every city under the jurisdiction of the provincial government, extend power in the county hospital, address and contact detail that the love with qualification grow the pharmaceuticals will be notified and transmitted to the relevant medical unit to capable of supplying with, in order to facilitate the connection. The love grows to reveal, there is No. 38 Branch to resist snake venom serum in the whole province on the information platform of the pharmaceuticals, on December 28 last year among them, police's hospital of army unit of Henan Province stored No. 8 Branch; On March 19 this year, Zheng Da encloses the institute to store No. 14 Branch; In addition, store No. 3 Branch, central hospital of Nanyang and store No. 13 Branch in the People's Hospital, Nanyang. Reporter send a telegram to above-mentioned several hospital separately, say, use up already. It is reported, resisting the situation of snake venom serum in short supply exist in Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Hubei and other places too. On June 13 this year, meet and examine two critical patients bitten by poisonous snake continuously in the first-aid centre of Jing De-zhen market 120 of Jiangxi, but the market hospital has not stored and resisted snake venom serum. On August 20, both hands of the sincere old man of moustache will of Xianning in Hubei are bitten by the poisonous snake. Family send him to township, county, much hospitals of market and treat and cure, are all told and has not resisted snake venom serum. Finally, human relations Company sends someone to send the match of Shanghai here and resist snake venom serum, these three patients just break away from the dangerous situation after injecting. Flood employ the intersection of poisonous snake and medicines transfer the South to, like, give birth to Yuan, general manager of pharmaceuticals, speak frankly now, Shanghai is comparable to biotechnology Co., Ltd. of human relations ' Abbreviated as " Shanghai is comparable to the human relations Company " )It is domestic at present an only family produces the enterprises against snake venom serum, like growing the upstream manufacturer of the pharmaceuticals too. He say annual a June - September, it is poisonous snake that it bites hurts one's feeling to be high to send season, treat snake at present wounded best method whether intravenous injection resist the intersection of snake venom and serum, and enterprises produce the cycle against snake venom serum longer. Its step is, give snake venom that the horse injects and does not cause death the dosage first, after after a while, the horse produces immunity to the snake venom, then pluck horse's blood, draw and resist snake venom serum. This year because a plurality of domestic province and city encounter natural calamity such as the flood, mud-rock flow, after snake natural habitat destruction, poisonous snake haunt everywhere, increase patient that poisonous snake bite than former years. Love grow pharmaceuticals while making the production schedule of the whole year at the beginning of the year, never expect snake wounded to take place while being high this year. On August 30, a business personnel whose surname is Zhang of sales department of human relations Company speaks in the telephone the match of Shanghai, medicines allocate, give, take place the provinces of the floods mainly this year, there are more patients there. This summer, after the enormous floods took place in Jiangxi, needed resisting snake venom serum and saving someone's life badly, it is given to the disaster area free that the company sent the special messenger and resisted No. 400 Branch snake venom serum by air. This business personnel says, it is biological medicine to resist snake venom serum, takes about 8 months to produce time. Because the demand against snake venom serum doubled last more year this year, the company could not shorten the production cycle of the products, when can only save several weather in packing links. This business personnel says in September of this year, it is estimated the tense situation of serum will be relieved, they Company transfer, set aside to Henan, love, grow 46 pieces of antiviral serum of pharmaceuticals, should be able to transport to Henan these two days. Buy the horses in a large amount next year, will expand the production scale. Store first aid medicine and lose 150,000 and solve consumption at ordinary times of medicine very little because of the first aid that use for snake venom, poisoning by food, heavy metal and is poisoned etc. every year, a lot of provinces have not specially stored, the general medicines franchises are unwilling to manage, hospital too unwilling to store, this give, poison to treat, bring difficult in time patient specially. As far back as September of 2002, the love grew the pharmaceuticals to establish the first aid of first of Henan to detoxify and use medicine in the supply center - -Zhengzhou likes growing first aid to detoxify and use medicine in the supply center, store some specific first-aid medicine. Resist snake venom serum Reserve condition require whether more tightly,if wanting, store at 2 �� to 8 ��, if you can't want, keep too by the temperature in the course of transporting. And like growing the pharmaceuticals and having dedicated devices such as the high-power generator, refrigerator car, refrigerate the cupboard,etc., guarantee to store medicines and circulate and realize in the whole course at low temperature " The chain management of cold " . Yuan speaks frankly now, mainly there are four kinds of poisonous snakes in Henan: Pallas pit viper, long-noded pit viper, cobra and silver krait. Among them, plentiful Pallas pit viper, usually moves about at, the level land, field, weeds by water. In these four kinds of poisonous snakes, the scope of activities of the Pallas pit viper nears the mankind most, so patients that Henan is bitten by the Pallas pit viper every year are most. He says, the normal demand resisted about snake venom serum No. 200 Branch in one year in Henan, from last September to now, the love grows the pharmaceuticals and buys No. 172 Branch altogether, mostly resist snake venom serum of Pallas pit viper, the price of each serum is about 300 yuan, and estimate above No. 300 Branch this year. Let, love, it grows the intersection of pharmaceuticals and a awkward one to be, because is uninformed, some hospitals and patients at the basic level do not know there is such a specialized first aid that detoxifies in the medicines supply center in Zhengzhou. When the urgently needed serum, want, allocate and transport from other places, transfer institute to patient the other places, so that has delayed the best treatment time. Resist snake venom serum profit low and consumption little, store, will cause medicines to be overdue to scrap more, cause the economic losses. First-aid medicine of other storage allows of no optimist too. Every year, the love grows the pharmaceuticals and loses 150,000 yuan in first-aid medicine at least on this one. During SARS in 2003, the love because bore the reserve that the government of Zhengzhou treated SARS medicines while growing the pharmaceuticals, have caused 800,000 yuan worth of medicines to scrap. During first type H1N1 influenza last year, the company caused specific drug curing this influenza of nearly 1 million yuan again - -Reach the accumulating of Philippines. It is reported, in 2002, were approved by provincial government while storing the mechanism and demanding perfection urgently in first-aid medicine, provincial medicine of Henan stores allocated funds by province General Office of Finance, stored by the pharmaceuticals of Henan Province, but store variety to be limited, first-aid medicine and rescue medicines among storing catalogue. At the request of provincial government, the local financial allocations are responsible for every city under the jurisdiction of the provincial government medicine to store, because the original some's state-run pharmaceuticals at city level has been already all reform, emergent medicines at city level store and has not basically implemented. And first aid specialized and very strong in antidote, have unsubstitutability. The best opportunity of acute poisoning treatment of biting by the poisonous snake etc. is very short, if delay, the heavy one will jeopardize the life. Resisting the snake venom serum shortage question actually transmits a signal: First-aid medicine stores, need new system, mechanism's guarantee. Yuan thinks tomorrow now, the existing problem in Henan is: Meet an urgent need medicines store mechanism lag behind and the intersection of hospital and first-aid medicine store catalogue deficient, meet an urgent need medicines store, form the intersection of information sharing and platform, meet an urgent need medicines to be special to lack funds. Not only Henan remain, improve the intersection of first aid and medicine, store system, the whole country but also should set up corresponding network, let, need urgent deliverer succour in time. Shanghai the intersection of match and human relations the intersection of Company and the intersection of sales department and piece whether business personnel say snake wounded to have the relatively loud one to be sporadic too, the incidence is low in arid year of low temperature, the hospitals and agents are unwilling to store in consideration of cost, and the one that resist snake venom serum as having public service properties is particular use medicine, should not be totally situated in the market rule. If the government would like to take the lead in improving ensuring medicines to store publically, the producer is very willing to cooperate. August 20 this year, the love grows the pharmaceuticals and puts forward " suggestion on establishing first-aid medicine of Zhengzhou to supply and store centre and first-aid medicine information platform construction " to government of Zhengzhou. It's time to propose, the government should complete and perfect first aid medicine and store system and information platform, realize the information sharing through storing the platform dynamically, once the health event meets an urgent need to happen suddenly, the applying unit can find necessary medicines in the shortest time, recent place; In addition, the municipal government should strengthen the fund input that medicines store to meeting an urgent need, make corresponding interests compensation mechanism. As to store dynamicallying and loss which the price change formses, the government can consider for the appropriate subsidy. It is reported, " proposed " had already aroused the attention from leader of government of Zhengzhou, had implemented as soon as possible. First aid antidote including resisting snake venom serum, need build an information platform


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