Saturday, June 23, 2012

Remind healthily every day: Should drink more water and avoid greedily and coolly in health care

Remind healthily every day: Should drink more water and avoid greedily and coolly in health care
Remind healthily every day: Should drink more water and avoid greedily and coolly in health care
Yesterday, it blows heavier south wind in Beijing, blew away the steam, it is sultry to blow away too. It was rare cool Xia Ri yesterday. But today, the south wind is diminished, the humidity rises, the temperature recovers to 34 degrees of C, get back to humid dog days again. Yesterday, rare wind it of Xia Ri appeared in Beijing. At present, the typhoon " plum blossom " Taking shape in East China Sea, but the meteorological observatory of Beijing says, the wind of yesterday has nothing to do with the typhoon, but leant towards south air and flowed here more obviously, so the south wind is a bit too heavy, basically all force 3 wind yesterday, the fitful wind in some places reaches 4 grades. The south wind brings heavier steam, make weather become moist, however, after the wind-force becomes certain, will blow away the steam. Yesterday, what heavier wind-force was relieved for the last few days was humid, blew away the pollutant too, become clean and fresh and cool to let over Beijing. Today, wind-force will weak a bit, two tertiary south wind basically in daytime, turn first second into evening. Today, the temperature rebounds again, turn into 34 degrees of C, the humidity is very large too, between 40% and 85%. So, the sultry feeling will come back again. Tomorrow, with high temperatures, will get back to 35C. It may not rain only to the day after tomorrow. Workaholic: It is all scarce that ill to feel according to the introduction of gynecological expert's doctor Li of institute of traditional Chinese medicine in Guang'anmen: Meeting it in the patient that examined recently, inflammation, contact dermatitis, menstruation patient were most catching cold in fever for Israel, stomach disease, shoulder week. Working clan stay in the air conditioner room more, the internal and external temperature difference of the room are large, sudden and cold and sudden and hot; Add the intersection of young people and the intersection of life and law, tired dropping, bring out the above-mentioned main reason of disease by resistance. Doctor Li says, have found recently in the clinic, patients having a fever have more and more gradually, this often results from using the air conditioner unreasonably. The outdoor hot and dry and indoor cool forms great contrast, it is the main reason causing heat to catch cold to be sudden and cold and sudden and hot. Add will it be hot evening summer, does not always like sleeping, apt to be tired, human resistance drops. Heat it catches cold to be because of the intersection of pore of a sweat gland and closing mostly and Cou cut stop up, hot and strongly fragrant on can't break up, cause inside. The hot summer weather should be treated by expelling wind, solving tables, distributing the cold method hitting. Netter: Should not be laid off to bend over one's desk working or immerse oneself in summer likely to suffer from shoulder week inflammation of person of the computer for a long time from the network shoulder all night. At the time of the high temperature, if people work and live under the environment of air conditioner for a long time, the neck shoulder is attacked by the chill, will cause soft tissue congestion, edema of shoulder, the shoulder organizes contracture, the adhesion among slippery membrane, articular cartilage of the shoulder joint in week, cause the shoulder joint to move about limitedly, pain once moving. In addition, some young people bend over one's desk working or immerse oneself in the computer for a long time, the shoulder joint lacks the essential activity, make its function fail gradually, the joint capsule of shoulder and adhesion incident of shoulder joint, develop into fiber take, limit the intersection of shoulder joint and the intersection of ground and sport freely further, if will initiate week inflammation of shoulder by the stimulus of the air conditioning at this moment. This is reason that the inflammation morbidity presents the younger trend in week of a shoulder too. The doctor reminds and says, the shoulder pain patient don't enlarge and swing one's arm the ring is transferred to upper arm movements to do exercises, because the patient is difficult to grasp appropriately, it will cause the ligament to damage that movements are too quickly or the joint in the shoulder is disorderly, aggravate shoulder pain and shoulder function obstacle. In addition, shoulder patient Zhou Yan is before and after treating, the shoulder all needed to keep hot. The available hot water washes and drenches and suffers from the shoulder, do some shoulders to move about at the same time. Sleep, emerge outside shoulder hour evening, let alone let air conditioner and fan be blown against the shoulder. Sassy girl: Vexed easy menstruation and women's menstruation will appearing, but very obvious in summer. Gynaecology doctor Jiang XianHua of institute of traditional Chinese medicine in Guang'anmen says, it is moist and sultry, human metabolism is accelerated, internal moisture and nutrition consumption increase, it is very apt to cause women's endocrine regulation, cause menstruation. Meanwhile, will make people agitated on hot day, Chinese medicine thinks it will cause the stagnation of the circulation of vital energy of liver silt that the vexed air is rash, it causes menstruation that qi and blood is not smooth, the so-called pain is obstructed. To white collar women of the office, an important reason that there is menstruation seriously in summer, gluttonous the cold drink, blows the air conditioner greedily. Afraid of, catch a cold menstrual period, many often ate the cold drink and relieved summer heat suddenly, or blew the air conditioner to cool in the office suddenly very, cause, down, suffer from abdominal pain, with sick vomiting, suffering from diarrhoea often, serious meeting appear pale complexion, trick ice-cold producing cold sweat symptom, really painful and unbearable in hot summer. However, a lot of women do not think menstruation is the disease, go over, in fact, often menstruation is not only a disease, but also there is influence on all one's life. Doctor Jiang says, menstruation endures hardships even more on big hot day, women should pay special attention to health care in menstrual period in summer. Except blowing few air conditioners, controlling the cold drink, should take a good rest, keep happy more. Steady mood and mental state, can lighten the coarse changes of pain and skin of menstrual period. If menstruation is very serious, need going to the hospital to seek medical advice, carry on equilibrium qi and blood with traditional Chinese medicine according to the individual situation, recuperate the endocrine. In fact, women will feel uncomfortable more or less in menstrual period, if the situation is more serious in summer, there is no harm in trying several small " The folk prescription " . For example, steep the foot with the warm water every night and promote the blood circulation of whole body; Eat some gingers appropriately before menstrual period, drink some black tea or red syrup, can play and dispel cold and melt on the function of silt; If feel underbelly falls and aches, a tarragon one of all right point, smoking the small belly feels the place to ache, in order to avoid scalding, can lay aside for the moment a stretch of ginger in the painful place of underbelly, it is smoked to separate gingers, in this way the breath of tarragon and ginger will permeate through the underbelly, also can relieve pain. Note M M : Put the ornament aside " contact dermatitis " It is a main issue perplexing women in summer. The expert of dept. of dermatology points out: Chromium, nickel in the ornament is the most common allergic source of contact dermatitis in recent years, and women's anaphylaxis to chromium and nickel is about male 10 times. Dermatitis caused by wearing ornaments accounts for 9 in the dermatosis patient of our country. 3%, common ornament such as ring, earrings, necklace, and hand chain, wrist-watch, spectacle-frame, the sweater and pants are buckled, contain the muffler of the metal wire etc. to contain chromium and nickel, will all bring about inflammation in skin contacted directly. Mainly shown as the pruritus sense is and scorching hot, can present erythema, papule, rotten, etc, will also form ulcer when being serious, bring out whole body diseases such as asthma or urticaria,etc.. Secondly, the position to wear the ring, earrings is difficult to wash, will become the place of breeding of the bacterium too. So, in the season of damp and hot many sweats, M M liking to be beautiful should wear few ornaments.


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