Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The lactogenic teacher's market of Wuhan lacks the unordered competition of the norm The professional has no qualification

The lactogenic teacher's market of Wuhan lacks the unordered competition of the norm The professional has no qualification
The lactogenic teacher's market of Wuhan lacks the unordered competition of the norm The professional has no qualification
The milk power incident in rapid succession, expedite the emergence of a new trade - -Lactogenic teacher. The same while just rising as a lot of trades, the lactogenic teacher had no standard to serve, did not get qualification either. In the tangled warfare of market that each shows his special skill, anxious that new mothers do not lack when being stimulated milk secretion, lactogenic teachers shout directly " Tired " ,The hospital faces managing the difficult problem too. Relevant respects in this trade all send out the appeal: While reaching this norm! The market expedites child delivery " Lactogenic teacher " "Can connect six or seven advertisements every day, does not stop someone to come over to recommendation to stimulate milk secretion. " Yesterday, lie at the intersection of our province and one professional the intersection of women and children and the intersection of obstetrical department and sick bed of hospital, act as Ms. Hu of mum, say just. The interval which the reporter interviewed, is seeing constantly someone gets to give a recommendation before sick beds: "Stimulate the secretion of milk? " " we are very professional, do not ache at all " According to propagating singly and on the business card, lactogenic tactics are mostly that " Chinese medicine add massage " , " hit vital point massage " , " mammary gland of mediation " When. What these new mothers worried about is, oneself is unable to distinguish the massage tactics, does it have results to stimulate milk secretion? Will cause the injury to the breast? In recent years, milk power " 3 gather cyanogen amine " constantly , " early-maturing " Wait for the incident, let some new mothers reach a decision: Try hard, feed by breast milk. The market first director of hospital gynaecology and obstetrics He Yi in Wuhan introduces, the lying-in woman is apt to present the situation of rising the milk, suckling few etc., in addition, the present lying-in woman is basically after 80, more fragile, but nursing staff of the hospital do not have special time to help the lying-in woman to stimulate the secretion of milk, usually it is teach by family it is make,but dare family very much generally according to,last teacher the trades lactogenic just. The carnation mother and baby in Hubei attend to limited company's general manager vastly and strongly fragrant, the market belongs to the forerunner in Wuhan, been engaged in the lactogenic trade already for 3 years. She introduces, the lactogenic trade develop quickly in Chinese these two years, the market has a good prospect, a lot of housekeeping companies begin to set foot in the lactogenic business too. According to the incomplete statistics, the company engaged in the lactogenic trade at present in Wuhan is not less than 30. Qualification lacked unordered competition last November, it was originally forgiving Miss of preschool teacher's school, got to Hanyang " Kang BeiXin lactogenic company of Wuhan " by name Learn to stimulate milk secretion. "The ones that spoke at that time are pretty good, could take the lactogenic teacher's qualification card after finishing studying, monthly income is 4,000-5,000 yuan, exceed the white collar. " But forgive young lady, pay half the training expense after the 2000 yuan, arrange to go to a private beauty parlor to study massage for one week. After finishing studying, forgiving the young lady is told can only be admitted to massager's qualification card. In fact the hillock will be engaged in the lactogenic division in nearly 10 months, will forgive the young lady to find, can only accomplish 10 customers each month on average by oneself, deduct a percentage 70 yuan according to the intersection of contract and each the intersection of customer and yuan of the intersection of business and oneselves, just 700 yuan of income in such a month, differ from white collar income declared at that time greatly. Reporter find, the business that the intersection of Jiang Cheng and eachth lactogenic Company is training, the tuition is from 2000 yuan - 8000 yuan, study for a short week, but the qualification card sent out is multifarious. What some company lactogenic teachers took an exam of is labour department " Mother and baby attend to a teacher " , " massager " Wait for the qualification card, some companies still release and make the certificate by oneself, collect what a company sent like the wide port of Wuchang " * The monthly sister-in-law's card of the star " ,What a company of Xinhua Lu sent is " Lactogenic teacher " Card. Municipal human resources and Peng YanE, division chief of place of policies and regulations of social security office in Wuhan introduce, as the new and developing trade, the lactogenic teacher has not entered the national job catalogue yet, so can't release the qualification card of the job yet. He Yi considers from the professional view of medical treatment: Once the lactogenic teacher infects disease, the wound appears, it is very easy to pass to mother and baby through massage. " because there is not qualification certification, the competition is very messy " ,The insider reveals, every lactogenic company makes the price war big now: Do one and stimulate milk secretion, the price is from 200 yuan, 150 yuan to 90 yuan, malignant competition. Vast and strongly fragrant to experience more and more too, without clear qualification norm, while going to each hospital to exploit market by oneself, communicate, stand up very tired, " whether can't empty mouth say how kindly it will be result " . Many persons in charge of gynaecology and obstetrics of hospitals show clearly, lactogenic none of teachers define the norm at present, the hospital does not maintain the lactogenic teacher is in hospital, because meet an accident everyone can not speak clearly. Just in this way, a rising industry, under the rule not clear, go on furtively. And those new mothers, can only choose the lactogenic teacher according to legend by a mouth. He Yi introduces, is in charge of through the mammary gland of massage, has certain advantages to the open milk. But if the intersection of massage and way and the intersection of strength and line hold fine, too can cause injury to breast. So, this trade need be normal. University Professor Qiao XinSheng of politics and law of middle and southern finance and economics says, in the evolution of new and developing trade, unavoidably appear " The period in the Spring and Autumn and the Warring states " Period. In a situation that the national job norm and the standard has not issued yet, the enterprises of certain scale can joint together, establish the employer's organization, through making methods such as the sector standard,etc., contain the normal development of the trade by oneself. (reporter Zhen real intern Chen Xi Zhang)


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