Thursday, November 8, 2012

A village medicine of Heilongjiang reuses the needle and in charge of causing several dozen villagers to infect third liver

A village medicine of Heilongjiang reuses the needle and in charge of causing several dozen villagers to infect third liver
Heilongjiang Province the intersection of Mudanjiang and the intersection of city and disease accuse of centre unit town would rather ancient and the intersection of ancient city and two villages reveal the epidemiology investigation to Changting, city of Hailin, a few days ago, there are 408 villagers to accept epidemiology is investigated, 56 have already been infected with third liver virus in two villages, infection rate is 13.7%, are far higher than the average level of Heilongjiang Province and the whole country. How did the local related departments carry on sanitary control and infectious disease prevention and control? Because villager's large proportion is infected with third liver virus, the target of public criticism of health station become that medicine of village is yellow. The infeted's the Li 's says, villagers basically go to the yellow clinic become to seek medical advice. The yellow clinic has operated violably for many years, villagers have never seen him open the disposable transfusion system the patient. Third liver patient Wu JinBo says, he goes to the clinic to hit and hang the needle once, because of suspecting the yellow one becomes that manages with a needle for the patient repeatedly, he uses the hot marks on the needle tube of cigarette end while having an injection on the first day, found the next day what is used is still that that needle was managed. Villagers reflect, for many years, seldom see whether it is qualified to check the health station above. Even come down and check, discovering the problems is " balanced " by the Huang 's (used after a verb to indicate the completion of an action). Li YangJun says, he phones to reflect the confused situation of the Huang 's' clinic to higher authorities anonymously once, the yellow one becomes that unexpectedly knows his telephone symbol, has also known the thing that he reports. Until March of this year, villagers reflect to Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Public Health demands to verify through investigation, deal with in accordance with the law, just cause the local attention. Health Inspection Institute chief of Hailin city Lin WeiDong says, though admit having the responsibility to supervise and inspect, but still show the yellow clinic is out of question. Lin WeiDong says, he took up an official post since 2006, the health station in the village checks once at least every year, not finding any question, there is no punishment. Reflect the health station takes the money to villagers " Balance " Thing,last he take by money. Li YangJun says, villagers are infected with third liver virus this, they have reflected for more than ten times, having made a lot of telephones, disease does not take it seriously when accusing of the department. Come down, do, flow, adjust, sift, check 24 people, result for them to read only for the first time. Until villagers go to the municipal government to reflect the question, have just done the flowing and adjusting of 408 people in 579 villagers, the infeted have not participated in to flow to suit well some third liver virus at all. Accuse of Lu QuanHua, director of centre, and say, villagers appeal for help and report this year in disease in Hailin, he knows this. The reason as to not finding early, Lu explains the country has not especially required that practise epidemiology and investigate to third liver. While interviewing, Lu QuanHua calls third liver class-C infectious disease many times. When the reporter prevents and cures the law holding infectious disease instead of confronting, third liver is a class-B infectious disease of the national regulation to remind him, he has admitted writing by mistake by oneself. Several dozen villagers are infected with third liver virus, does disease accuse of department's having responsibility? To this question, disease in Mudanjiang is accused of Zhai Xiao, Deputy Director of centre, and only said: "I think I have no responsibility, disease accuses of not knowing so much in the department, has known that have no methods too. " When being interviewed by reporter, Mali, secretary of Municipal Committee of the CPC of Hailin, say, should someone responsible for for treatment of patient now, nobody should bear the responsibility that third liver virus infects. Encourage making it have a pressure than from negative criticism even more to the front of the cadre sometimes.


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