Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Heilongjiang will attack in accordance with the law " Two is not " Behavior

Heilongjiang will attack in accordance with the law " Two is not " Behavior
This newspaper reports on the 13th ' Reporter Han Xue) 13 days, population and public security bureaus of Family Planning Commission, province, the department of public health of province, province food medicines in the province supervise the administration bureau, province the Women's Federation holding the centralized renovation of the whole province together " Two is not " Special action video-and teleconference. Through attack it is the intersection of foetus and gender that medical science need that determine and choose the artificial lapse gestation behavior of the gender in accordance with the law our province, renovate and born in the problem on the high side of the sex ratio of population synthetically. At present, our province was born the sex ratio of population was 108.4 on average, still higher than the normal value range, and it is wide to involve the region, covering has a large population, the accumulating is out-of-balance, in urban and rural areas and out-of-balance and the child is out-of-balance and serious, some born in place two child and many the intersection of child and sex ratio up to 120 and more than 180 separately, have deviated from the normal value range seriously. It is introduced, " two is not " The behavior is causing the immediate cause which was born in the sex ratio of population on the high side, as to this, our province will propagate the idea of marriage and childbirth with progressive scientific civilization in a more cost-effective manner, will advocate the advanced idea with equal social gender, abolish the men's superiority to women, feudal thought of regarding men as superior to women, lead the broad masses of the people to observe rules and obey laws, resist consciously " Two is not " Behavior. The unit to the involving in case and person liable revoke practicing qualification, demotes, dismissal in accordance with the law at the same time, until investigating criminal liability, the organization bans in accordance with the law immediately to practising medicine illegally, strengthen supervision to key links such as the medical treatment and health care, people's family planning service organization and stopping gestation medicines sold, used,etc., strive to realize to " Twelve five " The whole province was born people's gender was more worthwhile than to drop to normally in latter stage.


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