Saturday, June 23, 2012

" formaldehyde door " every day The stormy waves from the incident is reviewed - instantaneous the alarm bell of dairy products trade rings again!

" formaldehyde door " every day The stormy waves from the incident is reviewed - instantaneous, the alarm bell of dairy products trade rings again!
" formaldehyde door " every day The stormy waves from the incident is reviewed - instantaneous, the alarm bell of dairy products trade rings again!
Today when food incident takes place frequently, it is believed that a lot of consumers hear a piece of neologisms " formaldehyde door " . Cover the sky and the earth about the news of this, the report of many kinds of editions makes people confuse, I electricity ask student that study abroad in South Korea, make whole process of incident in order on the whole specially. Incident retrospect: April 29: A kind of special fresh milk of the daily milk industry of giant of South Korean milk industry uses and imports and carries on the feed of special-purpose processing from Australia with formaldehyde, reported by South Korean government and media. April 30: Because South Korea does not have relevant test and standard to this special craft, so strengthened milk products to 9 kinds of every day, Seoul, Nanyang, the Far East four major milk industry in South Korea altogether 45 products have been measuredded, the government calls measuring the announcement before May 9 of the result. April 30: Chinese CCTV and every big newspaper, network has reprinted and reported this news. May 1: South Korean daily milk industry issues a statement, claim security of this feed has already been approved by the Australian government, and U.S.A. FDA has already approved during 2003. May 3: Network present reprint article claim " the intersection of South Korean and milk contain formaldehyde, involve the intersection of Chinese and the intersection of money and the intersection of allusion quatation and the intersection of masterpiece and infant and pre-school children fill a prescription milk power " in a large amount . The night of May 3: The daily milk industry of South Korea issues a statement and claims: The result that the South Korean milk is measured not to appear yet, and have nothing to do with infant and pre-school children's milk power. May 4: South Korea state-run veterinarian quarantine the intersection of institute and the intersection of official site and announcement scientifically: The milk circulating on the market shows the testing result of the formaldehyde content, the milk is absolutely safe. The night of May 4: Central news channel, eastern Satellite TV, legal system evening paper: It proves the formaldehyde content very little that South Korean fresh milk formaldehyde measures the result, accord with the natural safety standard, the masterpiece milk power of gold allusion quatation is still sold in the shelf, every batch examining report is complete. May 5: Some websites stamp " South Korean dairy products all contain formaldehyde " " the question milk power China is selling " Even " The poisonous milk power " Wait for the words. There is deduction of a plurality of editions so far. Medias such as most TVs, newspapers,etc. have made the relatively objective report, but presented a lot of misinformations on the network, has caused panically in big range. Through understanding, I still think of some questions not including the thing: First, the instantaneous treatment methods of South Korean authorities make people startled and showing admiration, South Korean official side carry on the intersection of South Korea and four major the intersection of milk industry and all relevant the intersection of product and items of test of milk at once for the moment in. And the test stone is to supervise the standard of the administration bureau FDA and WHO going on according to American food medicines strictly. Measure the result and tell the public in time too. Second, the report of the media. The health of the direct relation people of the food security, everybody cares, " ignite " It is very low. These reports can be divided into two kinds, some reflects the existing problem objectively, such as domestic clenobuterol hydrochloride, dyeing steamed bun,etc.; And exaggerate its diction or basis of facting,such as report on beef lotion,etc. question. Concentrate on appearing in some such report short-terms, is prone to enlarging the effect, consumer think will take it seriously, not anxious to worry, have " have something dare wipe out " while being natural too often Idea. Third, we are easy to think of another question: Do not the milk and milk power of China need measuring? The domestic milk industry has gone through and gathered cyanogen amine from three to sex hormone to the stimulus of the leather milk too. The food security is important, infant and pre-school children's food receives much concern especially. We agree property, danger, coverage in incident find out under the situation verified yet, one or two people are preceded by the food security question appearing " Carcinogenic" , " fatal" , " hypertoxicity " Wait for wordings to report, have attracted the eyeball, but caused the public to be panic too. Have, sigh one breath, the intersection of dairy products and trade have one producer appear, express willingness automatic the intersection of test of ready samples and milk and milk power unexpectedly after this come out! Our country does not have corresponding test and standard, the domestic milk industry should tighten the nerve, have sounded the alarm again!


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