Saturday, June 23, 2012

Every numerous Shanghai philtrum has a person to suffer from cancer

Every numerous Shanghai philtrum has a person to suffer from cancer
Every numerous Shanghai philtrum has a person to suffer from cancer
Reporter DeRong Hu prevent and cure, learn from the 23rd Shanghai tumour at the news briefing propaganda week April 16, an item of newest cancer feeling monitoring data of Center for Disease Prevention and Control of Shanghai reveals: Shanghai have 210,000 deposit the intersection of cancer and patient that alive nearly totally at present, cancer the suffering from rate is 1.56% now, namely every 100 Shanghai philtrum, over a persons are cancer patients. It is introduced the intersection of cancer and morbidity of Shanghai up to 355/10 Wan, among them, male morbidity 386/10 Wan, women 323/10 Wan. Lung cancer, gastric carcinoma, large intestine cancer, hepatocarcinoma and prostate cancer are the most common cancer of the men in Shanghai, lung cancer which ranks male cancer morbidity first takes all men and sends 22% of cancer newly, the morbidity is up to 88/10 Wan. The most common cancer of women in Shanghai is breast cancer, large intestine cancer, lung cancer, gastric carcinoma and hepatocarcinoma sequentially. It accounts for all women to send 17% of malignant tumour newly to rank breast cancer of women's cancer morbidity first, morbidity 55/10 Wan. The newest cancer feeling monitoring data still reveal: Every 1000 the intersection of Shanghai and philtrum, have over 3 people diagnose as cancer newly every year, man account for 55%, woman account for 45% among them, the danger that male cancer has illness coming on is higher than women; Every 1000 Shanghai philtrum has over 2 people to die from cancer every year, among them men account for 39% accounting for 61%, women, the danger of the male cancer death is also higher than women. Overall morbidity and mortality of cancer are about 2/3~3/4 of developed countries and regions such as America and Europe,etc. at present in Shanghai, in the medium level worldwide, is in higher level in our country. According to present the intersection of cancer and current situation of having illness coming on, Shanghai pass healthy diet improvement of life style, it is estimated that can make about 15,000 people avoid or postpone suffering from cancer every year. Otection against cancer prevent and cure the dietary recommendation of health that Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau recommends 10 items of controlling weight, eating more vegetables fruits etc. to citizen and gives protection against cancer at this tumour for the first time during propaganda week. The tumour of this market is prevented and cured to start in 1989 in propaganda week.


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