Sunday, April 1, 2012

It exceeds 3 weeks or initiates chronic poisoning to take vitamin A

It exceeds 3 weeks or initiates chronic poisoning to take vitamin A
It exceeds 3 weeks or initiates chronic poisoning to take vitamin A
Function of normal functions such as skin, conjunctiva, cornea of epithelial tissue that there is vitamin A to keep, can promote growth of organism, if vitamin A lack will cause nyctalopia, the intersection of eyes and dry disease, cornea soften disease, the intersection of skin and disease coarse, malnutritive, the person suffering from these diseases needs to supplement vitamin A, and computer workers should supplement vitamin A appropriately, but vitamin A can't be taken incessantly for a long time, taking continuously can't exceed 3 weeks. Vitamin A is lipid-soluble vitamin, the time of supersession is longer, it will cause chronic poisoning to take for a long time, ren, are shown as sick, vomit, suffer from diarrhoea, weak, lose the appetite, look at things fuzzy, hair lossing, skin pruritus,etc. with infant and pre-school children. So, after the patient who supplements vitamin A takes for 2 weeks, if vitamin A lacks symptom and has not improved, should take after stopping obeying for 2 weeks. If vitamin A lacks symptom and improves, should go to see doctor, in order to confirm whether to need to continue taking.


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