Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What influence will nuclear radiation cause to the human body?

What influence will nuclear radiation cause to the human body?
What influence will nuclear radiation cause to the human body?
The ones that cause Fukushima nuclear power station in Japan's earthquake have already been measured to some nuclear leakage after exploding. Now, many people are afraid nuclear radiation will cause danger to the health, so, what influence will nuclear radiation cause to health on earth? Which the human body influences after accepting radiation? It is accepted that medium radiation will result in radiating the disease. It has a series of symptoms, within accepting several hours of radiation, people will often present disgustingly and vomiting, may go through and suffer from diarrhoea, have a headache and have a fever subsequently. After initial symptom, the human body may no longer reveal any symptom within some time, but often have new, more serious symptom that takes place within several weeks. If has accepted the radiation of the higher intensity, all symptoms stated above may appear immediately, the internal organs that and the one that is following whole body may even be fatal are damaged. Receive 4 gray (Gray, abbreviates as Gy, ionization radiation absorbs the standard unit of the dosage) Radiation behind,it is getting half more the probably can get killed. (Japan reports at present the radiation of the peripheral reactor is about 1�� Gy. ) By contrast, while treating cancer, the radiation dosage of radiotherapy often reaches 1-7 gray each time, but the radiation is controlled tightly, and often only act on the particular body position. How to treat " The radiation disease " ? In order to minimize the pollution of subsequent radiation, should remove the clothes shoes and hats first, then wash the skin relaxing with the soap and fresh water. Can increase the leucocyte quantity after already there are medicines nowing, have been influenced by the fact that the radiation injury has brought in order to reduce the bone marrow, and reduce the risk that the immune system infects the pathogen after damaging. Some special medicines can relieve the damage to the viscera of radiation material too. How did radiation influence health? Produce ionization radiation in the decay of the radioactive material. It can destroy molecule and chemical bond between the atom on the tissue, might biochemical structure and function important to human body exert a serious influence. Will try to repair the damage in our health, but it is too serious to damage sometimes or involve too many tissues and internal organs, that it is impossible to repair. Moreover, the health will probably produce the question in the natural repair process. The body part easiest to injure for radiation includes the skin cells on the stomach and turns into cells of those bone marrows of the blood cell. Which long-term health damage radiation most possibly cause? The biggest long-term health risk is cancer. Usually when body cells are damaged or worn out to certain extent, they will dispel oneself. When disappearing in this kind of ability to dispel oneself, cells got" live forever " ,Can be splitting constantly unboundedly, this will be evolved into cancer. Our organism has a lot of mechanisms to prevent the cell canceration, and replace the tissue damaged. However, the damage that radiation brings may confuse these mechanisms in our organism seriously, thus let the cancer risk be improved greatly. In front of radiation, are children extremely fragile? Generally speaking, it is like this. Because the child grows fast, much more that they are in the cells of one of division in the body, thus it is much greater to produce the mistake and possibility to damage because of radiation. After cutting the promise Pele incident in 1986, World Health Organization found in nearby children the risk of thyroid gland cancer was showing improvement. This is because containing a large number of radioactive iodine element in radiation material in the incident of leakage, and the content in the thyroid gland of iodine element is very high. How could reduce the impact on crowd of nuclear radiation as much as possible? The radiation expert RichardWakeford professor of Manchester university claims, if Japanese Government reacts fast, most persons will not be influenced. RichardWakeford Professor think in this case, only staff member and should will receive high radiation of intensity to personnel while being urgent of nuclear power station. He says, the most important thing withdraws from nearby residents, and guarantee they will not contact the food polluted at present. The greatest danger comes from the radioactive iodine element, once enter the human body, may cause thyroid gland cancer. Some expert said, in order to reduce this risk, people can take the iodine one with non- radioactive iodine element, this will prevent the body from absorbing the iodine element from the external world. The iodine content was originally relatively high in Japanese's diet, this will be helpful too. However, take the iodine with non- radioactive iodine element slice should be very prudent.


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