Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Jiangsu awards 45 old expert's lifetime honorable mentions

Jiangsu awards 45 old expert's lifetime honorable mentions
Jiangsu awards 45 old expert's lifetime honorable mentions
Reporter Cheng watch over hardworking relative revitalize discipline, special correspondent of sharp point, cure from Jiangsu Province the intersection of celebration and first doctor section and lifetime honorable mention, doctor of Jiangsu Province, that SCTE hold cite largely recently while being flat Learn, 45 old experts are authorized and should save doctor's lifetime honorable mention at the meeting. It is introduced, these 45 old expert's ages are all over 85, time exceeds 60 years to take up a job as a doctor, they have the motherland in mind, love the people, hang the pot to help for generation, dedicate unselfishly, can be rated as the intersection of Jiangsu and the intersection of health care and the intersection of circle and model. It is reported Jiangsu Province cure every city hold obtain award old expert touring to explain and publicise the activity in deed in province also the near future such as SCTE, raise the upsurge learn in the whole province from award-winning expert of Jiangsu Province doctor's lifetime honorable mentioned.


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