Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Jiangsu finds the extremely rare Model p blood

Jiangsu finds the extremely rare Model p blood
Jiangsu finds the extremely rare Model p blood
It is reported ' The reporter reporter Zhang Yan and Yang LiJia) The blood center of Jiangsu Province holds the news briefing and claims recently, should save finding the first contains and resists inside the province - scarce p blood group case of Tja antibody. Contain, resist and Tja very rare in the crowd of our country in scarce the intersection of p and blood group of antibody, its probability that appears and commonly called as " panda's blood " RhD (-) Blood group of sex is compared, it is 1% of it. . Not long ago, received the difficult blood sample of a gastric carcinoma patient that the hospital sent here in the blood transfusion research room of blood center of Jiangsu Province, require, go on buying type to their so that prepare against the blood in front of the skill. Patient's blood group is RhD ' +) O type, through numerous experiments, staff members find the agglutinate response takes place in the erythrocyte of all Model O blood in serum and blood bank of patient of this Model O, it can be used in a patient that there is not one meaning blood inside the blood bank this. Sift checking the experiment has found more strange phenomenon through the further antibody, except that one's own serum and one's own cell have not reacted patient, serum its and that Jiangsu Province have by blood center all domestic and foreign table cells ' Standard erythrocyte of the known blood group) The agglutinate response takes place at different temperatures. Staff members realize, have presented a certain high-frequency antigen (the antigen which most people have) in this patient's serum Antibody,get in touch with national red blood cells grouping reference lab immediately, be confirmed by being tested and measured, contain a kind of extremely rare resisting - Tja antibody in the patient's blood, this patient's erythrocyte is a very rare p phenotype in P blood group system.


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