Friday, August 31, 2012

Wen Sichuan seismic zone hygiene rebuilds and obtains the great phased achievement

Wen Sichuan seismic zone hygiene rebuilds and obtains the great phased achievement
Wen Sichuan seismic zone hygiene rebuilds and obtains the great phased achievement
It is reported ' Reporter of reporter Liu Ping'an Yao Xia) From August 24 to 25, Ministry of Public Health holds Wen Sichuan earthquake-stricken area health care to resume rebuilding the working conference of the coordinated cooperation in Chengdu. Great to introduce at meeting whistle Chen, Vice Minister of Ministry of Public Health, hygiene resume rebuilding and making the great phased achievement behind the systematic calamity. By the end of September of this year, over 90% of the projects will complete and come into operation and basically realize " the task will be finished in two years in three years " Reconstruction goal. The intersection of whistle and great introduction Chen, up to will it be will it be the end July this year, Sichuan, Shaanxi, the intersection of Gansu and 3 province go into operation 1667 construction projects, among them has already completed 1370, has accounted for 95% and 78% which plan the total number separately. Among them, 1355 Sichuan Provinces are put into operation, has already completed 1196, accounting for respectively should save 95% and 84% that the planned project counted; 221 Gansu Provinces are put into operation, completes 105, accounting for respectively should save 94% and 44% that the planned project counted; 91 projects in Shaanxi Province are all put into operation, has already completed 69. Include in 24 aid-receiving counties of the coordinated cooperation ' Market) The planned project amounted to 648, 631 projects were put into operation at present, 576 projects have already been completed, accounts for 97% and 89% that the planned project counted separately. Great to say, rebuild, make the intersection of seismic zone and medical service ability reach even exceed level in front of the calamity already behind the calamity whistle Chen. The coordinated cooperation is provincial ' Market) The medical team passes " Spread, help, bring " Wait for the form, improve the medical technical staff's professional ability in the disaster area, help the hospital at county level of disaster area to launch finely and prop up more than 40 items of technology of making a diagnosis newly such as the application technology of the mirror, highly difficult operation of dept. of orthopedics. The statistics show, Sichuan Province disaster area will make a diagnosis to serve about 22,040,000 persons altogether in 2009, will increase by 26% as compared to 2008. Has started from the work of coordinated cooperation by the end of July of 2010, 19 coordinated cooperation provinces (market) Send several dozen over thousands of personnel, hygiene of person, go disaster area launch disease prevent and control with the hygiene supervising work altogether, have guaranteed the public health service of disaster area is covered completely. The morbidity of legal infectious disease in the earthquake-stricken area is stable with a slight decline, compared with the past 3 years, report the case is counted and dropped by 30%. It is reported, set up more than 4600 psychology consultation clinics in 3 provinces of disaster-stricken Sichuan, sweet, Shan together, have already launched the psychology of high-risk group and intervened 105,000 persons, has treated nearly one thousand patients, the start-up is 14,000, send person of psychological professional medical-care personnel near Wan of the disaster area of the coordinated cooperation inside and outside the province. Belong to the county of disaster area ' Municipal or district) Offer service psychology help hot-line behind the calamity, some places set up psychology help websites behind the calamity also, offer the convenient psychology to cadres and masses to help and serve.


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