Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Jiangsu blood neglect serious regular surgery basically stop The expert appeals for developing resources and reducing expenditures

Jiangsu blood neglect serious regular surgery basically stop The expert appeals for developing resources and reducing expenditures
Jiangsu blood neglect serious regular surgery basically stop The expert appeals for developing resources and reducing expenditures
"Because the blood is neglected, a lot of operations are unable to carry on, some hospitals can only postpone the reservation of non- urgent operation. " Yesterday the intersection of province and the intersection of department of public health and the intersection of medical reform and first ShaoDong Li, division chief of place, " Propaganda week for unpaid blood donation " At the the intersection of reporter and presentation meeting, severity that blood neglects at present without mincing words. The blood is neglected, this topic which concerns life safety, set aside the moving nerve again. And in fact, our province blood store, ask for emergency help one after another from the beginning of this year, to winter and the Spring Festival being more obvious. " the blood is neglected " Attack again this winter, what is neglected? How to relieve this difficult problem? Because the blood is neglected, the operation is all unable to go on Begin last week, Nanjing some hospital receive " blood of limit make " successively . It is reported, rescuing clinically at present can basically be ensured with the blood, but the operation will select a time possibly with the blood, or waited. Our province increase progressively at the speed of 10% for every year on average with blood volume while being clinical, and blood gather total amount it increases to be 7.7% only every year. At the end of July this year, the citizens in Nanjing donated blood to once present a little climax, but can not maintain for long time. By the last ten days of September, Nanjing blood bank asks for emergency help, the operation of every day of medical organization of Nanjing needs 70,000 ml with the blood, but can the intersection of blood and source got to gather have only three or four ten thousand every day now, hospital a critical one to guarantee to supply and use the blood patient promptly most. Because the blood is neglected, the operation is all unable to go on. Some hospitals will mobilize operation patient relatives to help each other and donate blood. "The regular surgery at present, choosing date for operation to basically stop, the blood station only uses the blood for the emergency call of a dozen units every day, can only satisfy, it rescues traffic accidents, massive haemorrhage to be to use the blood promptly. " Hospital hematology's doctor Wang of Nanjing drum-tower introduces, there are only about two or three ischemic months in spring and autumn from the beginning of this year, other the intersection of time and hospital spend when being ischemic, ischemic, worry about hospital not merely, the blood station is really cannot help but too. "The colder it is, the fewer people of unpaid blood donation of street are. At present flow several vehicles one day can only adopt to 60-70 blood to blood donating car,blood if sufficient supply, only enough for one hospital of Nanjing drum-tower to use. " The red cross blood center blood person in charge of source subject Wang NingWu of Nanjing introduces, if it was with ischemic, structural and ischemic seasonality in the past, then so ischemic as to normalize now, it is ischemic throughout the year, only more severe in winter. On the occasion of midwinter now, the middle school student of the university is busy meeting the end-of-term exam, citizens go out to reduce, the donating blood amount is relatively reduced too. At present, mainly lack A type and Model O blood. Director of Jiangsu Province blood center Sun Jun says to reporters, because Chinese traditional idea, a lot of people like, see the doctor before lunar calendar year, cause will it be the beginning of every year the intersection of clinic and quantity and admitted to hospital quantity, increase to some extent. And enter for after autumn, the weather changes fast, will often cause heart brain vascular disease, patient of the blood disease to increase sharply, make autumn clinical prominent growth of demand for blood. "And the time slot, have a holiday student just, rural worker return to period of township, adopting blood volume will drop to some extent compared with other months, so cause the blood supply to be tense. " The tight one " Supply and demand " On the fine rule, press " trust crisis " again A lot of slogans selected in unpaid blood donation " Blood donating is good for health, rescues people and renders a great service to mankind " " you donated blood today " Full of warms, and in life, because of the disappearance of medical knowledge, many people, to the security production doubt donating blood. The reporter knows from the department of public health of the province, the donating blood rate of chief people of our province is only 1.1%. "A lot of people think that donate blood, damage the health, infect disease etc., in fact this is totally the misinformation, these ideas are old problems of hindering citizens from donating blood. In fact, even human blood donate, the intersection of blood and cell can old and feeble death supersession produce outside the body too after the 3 month, it is a baseless gossip even more that will infect disease to donate blood through proper channel. " The market Fu Qiang, Deputy Director of blood center of Nanjing says, all consumptive material is the disposable use in the course of blood collecting, moreover donate blood instead of blood transfusion, will not infect disease at all. He says, donates blood and can promote human metabolism in right amount, strengthens human immunity, good for health. Happen this year " The Guo Meimei incident " And then, cause the public to produce the trust crisis to the charities of public service of our country, the unpaid blood donation will obviously drops. A group of data showed, in 2003, the red cross blood center of Nanjing offered 14 million ml of blood sources and meet all hospitals' needs, but reached nearly 16 million ml in 2005, would reach 23 million ml in 2010. The reporter finds in the investigation, on one hand, unpaid blood donation is propagated uncompletely, the public queries, the demand for the blood used in clinic is increasing notably on one hand, the fine rule that contradiction such as both sides drags during supply and demand, and " public service crisis " that appears this year , " trust crisis " On this tight fine rule, have added a very heavy weight. The public has much doubt, and the satisfied and public right of being in know to the system of unpaid blood donation, let the public service be analysed and explained transparently and publicly" The blood is neglected " Key to the difficult problem. Many canals " increase income " ,Leave it the heart " Flurried" Neglect blood " solve blood, neglect, want, accomplish, develop resources and reduce expenditures on manage technically. " " increase income " Increase the blood source, while strengthening the blood donating team, expand " since the blood of body inputs technology " Application. It is reported, some hospitals in Nanjing have already adopted " since the blood of body is lost " at present Technology, patient collect blood in front of the skill, supply to and then own body while being postoperative in the skill. In order to relieve the blood desolately, a lot of hospitals move the foot brain, since the blood transfusion of body is one of them. From the beginning of this year, the first hospital blood transfusion dept. of Nanjing has already carried on more than 300 since blood of body is lost. In the developed country, since the blood transfusion of body has already accounted for 20%-40% of the total amount of blood transfusion, Australia and U.S.A. account for 80%-90%. It, besides stabilizing the blood source, does not also need to measure blood group and cooperate and test alternately, can prevent infecting disease. But the expert says, this kind of method has certain limitation, first, the blood donor does not know when oneself will fall ill, need blood transfusion; Secondly it is the holding time of blood that has certain prescroption, do not exceed 3 months at most; Suitable for in need of caesarean birth pregnant woman relatively, pregnant woman 3 can use take the intersection of a part and massive haemorrhage of caesarean birth prepare against, out, one's own blood while being about month before childbirth. Until some choose date for operation patient is can in health when terms better, donate the blood for subsequent use by oneself. The expert says, at a disturbance of the blood to neglect every year at present, the biggest problem is to " live on heaven " ,The blood collecting mechanism is very fragile. The expert thinks, solve " the blood is neglected " The key to the question is increasing income, namely strengthen and propagate, let more people join and donate blood in " main forces " . Relevant experts think, for example can let the operation patient's relative, friend, colleague participate in and help each other to donate blood, this is successful experience of a developed country too. "Blood donating The upper limit of age is revised for 65 years old for 55 years old; Gather the interval twice and shorten to 3 months in no less than 6 months; Is not it low to gather blood volume each time? ? 00 ml; Set up nationwide unified ' blood bank ' in real meaning, make the blood donor have guarantee in the strange land with the blood free " Law of province Chinese Academy of Social Sciences thinks tomorrow, our country should be revised too some clauses in " law of blood donating " since 1998 in researcher's side, so benefit even more " Increase income " . For example stipulate 18-55 years old crowds can donate blood, can be with the growth of blood demand among them, age of blood donating of American-European countries generally relax to to 70 years old at 16-65 years old; Our country stipulates it must be at intervals of 6 months that the same people donate blood twice, compared with interval of 3 months abroad, time lengthens one time. " reduce expenditure " Strengthen management, the medical organization should make the strict clinical plan for the use of blood, increase science and rationality of using blood. Province the intersection of department of public health and the intersection of medical reform and the intersection of place and division chief Shao Li think blood station obligated to society announcing their complexion blood volume, using blood volume and operating cost winter, put the operation of the public service under the circumstances that the public supervises. "Especially after ' Guo Meimei incident ', the public service includes unpaid blood donation, only disclose, more transparent even more, could gain public trust again. " (the intersection of reporter and lofty and steep second high mountain Shen)


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