Sunday, August 5, 2012

Jiangsu: Development improves the new rural cooperation medical treatment system Improve health levels of peasantry constantly

Jiangsu: Development improves the new rural cooperation medical treatment system Improve health levels of peasantry constantly
Jiangsu: Development improves the new rural cooperation medical treatment system Improve health levels of peasantry constantly
Jiangsu serves the people's livelihood voluntarily in recent years, analyses and explains the difficult problem actively as the pilot province of the national medical reform, every work of the medical reform makes substantive progress, the health care level is in the national forefront, receive the national medicine correcting and affirmation of Ministry of Public Health many times. The new rural cooperation medical treatment system is a basic medical guarantee system of the rural residents of our country. For many years, Provincial Party committee, provincial government pay close attention to peasantry to be healthy highly, join person who shut, wipe out the intersection of proportion and index, include not being new in in an all-round way realizing the examination index of the well-to-do level jointly while being agricultural, and as non-governmental real the intersection of item and eye for 9 years in succession, move forward in a more cost-effective manner, make the intersection of achievement and general favor of reform and development on the masses of peasantry. At present, the whole province joins and shuts to 43,200,000 of population newly and agriculturally jointly, people keep above 95% to join the shutting rate for years. Since 2003, 365 million persons got and compensated newly and agriculturally jointly totally in the whole province, among them compensated 12,720,000 persons in hospital, 450,000 persons in the above compensation of getting ten thousand yuan, have lightened the masses and seen the doctor and sought medical advice and born notably. Transfer the team agriculturally according to the province to investigate, set up and shut the welcome that the system has got the masses of peasantry and support newly and agriculturally, 95.2% peasantry express satisfaction with institutional improvement effect in the whole province. Set up steady fund-raising, increase mechanism, try every means, raise, ensure competence pass pilot project, 2004 enlargement pilot project for 2003, Jiangsu shuts the system to realize and cover 2005 completely newly and agriculturally. Later, the number of participants in peasant and coverage rate of the population have been occupying the leading place in the whole country in the location all the time. While stabilizing coverage rate, put forth effort to explore that setting up steady fund-raising increases the mechanism, the competence of improving per person and raising funds constantly, enlarge the fund plate and and rigorously enforce the use of funds, control medical expense growth, try every means to let peasantry receive more material benefit. On one hand, per person in the whole province raises funds the level is improving constantly. From 2003 the intersection of per person and 30, 50, 2008 100, 2010 150 by 2005, 230 to reach this year, from the financial commitments at all levels mainly some increased, the financial subsidy standards at all levels are to rise to from 120 yuan of last year and is at least 200 yuan this year. All parts combine reality, strengthen and raise the financial strength degree, improve the standard of raising funds and subsidize competence, reach 578 yuan at most. On the other hand, join gregarious all benefited intensity to further improve. Raise funds after the standard is improved, the adjustment scheme in time of Ministry of Health, strengthen management, guarantee to manage every fen well, make good use of, really let peasantry get material benefit. The whole province is standardizing and improving and compensating the scheme newly and agriculturally jointly constantly, advance the reform of means of payment in a more cost-effective manner, and strengthen the medical expense level to control and prevent the medical expenses from being unreasonable and increase, arrange, develop simultaneously more, raise join gregarious all medical expenses, wipe out proportion effectively. So far, the whole province pays the limits and all reaches more than 8 times of the per capita net income of prior year of local peasant newly and agriculturally jointly, the whole province have the intersection of the 22 Overall Planning and area share the intersection of institute and average the intersection of expense and negative growth while being agricultural while being new, county the intersection of township and two policy compensate than up to 70% in hospital in the range. The rural masses that cause to great disease " Cause and return to poorly and due to illness poorly due to illness " ,In order to help the masses to solve the problem really, the whole province has launched rural great disease and treated and cured the work, raise and submit an expense account the proportion, shut 70% newly and agriculturally and submit an expense account to the expenses which treats and cures the target; Give again medical rescue to patient that qualified to succour, make it exceed 90% not to wipe out proportion. Ensure competence to work as the example by rise rural children's leukemia and medical treatment of worry first that are launched in an all-round way, by the end of October, the whole province accepts 156 infants of leukemia for medical treatment together, first 718 worry infants, medical expenses of per person are 30,500 yuan, per person submits an expense account and reaches 23,500 yuan, help infant's family to solve the big problem. Set up, improve, shut information system, help the intersection of masses and strange land seek medical advice, form the end of 2005 such as newspaper immediately while being agricultural while being new, before the country shuts the basic norm of information construction to issue newly and agriculturally, our province had already 90% of the counties had realized newly it is agricultural that shut computer management, have basically realized that seeks medical advice and forms the newspaper in the county immediately. In order to produce the information system on the new agricultural function while managing jointly conscientiously, help the masses seek medical advice and form the newspaper in the strange land inside the province, in August of 2010, our province will build up and come into operation newly and shut the provincial information platform agriculturally and finish the business system at county level to upgrade and transform this year, improving the function of information system constantly, set up shutting the information system newly and agriculturally of interconnection of five grades of village of province cities and counties tentatively. At present, shutting the provincial information platform newly and agriculturally includes 4 comprehensive application system, a portal, a data centre and new agricultural special network of information jointly. There are 21 tertiary hospitals inside the province with shutting the provincial information platform to network and connect newly and agriculturally, through examine, confirm, announce two 14 equal to the intersection of province and magnitude, network hospital while being agricultural while being new altogether already. Shutting the information platform newly and agriculturally assembles many kinds of functions. First, benefit and seek medical advice the masses and carry on information inquiry. Through shutting the portal newly and agriculturally, masses can look over whom oneself care about shut policies and regulations, fixed the intersection of medical organization and list and concrete the intersection of service and information, can wipe out, use medicine the catalogue and event of making a diagnosis,etc. while being agricultural while being new, and accept that reflects in policy consultation of line and question, receive the surveillance by the masses, unblocked communicative channel. Second, it is more convenient to seek medical advice and form the newspaper masses' strange land. Need transferring to the masses seeking medical advice outside and shutting the tube to do in the locality, pass the provincial information platform, put forward the application of changing the place of examination to provincial fixed hospital. The provincial fixed hospital accepts ability for medical treatment to answer in time according to patient's condition and hospital, agree to go to a doctor for time, the provincial fixed hospital shuts to personnel and opens and connects and examines the landscaped roadway in order to join. After the provincial hospital cures to finish, it only needs to pay individuals and pay some medical expenses for itself while leaving hospital to join and shut personnel, need, pay first fund, reduce masses seek medical advice, wipe out tedious procedure in the the course in the past effectively. Third, help to strengthen supervision. Once information system finds that shuts funds to deposit newly and agriculturally in the unreasonable situation that uses, can automatic the prewarning, the administrative department can take the intervening measure pointedly. In addition, rely on the provincial information platform, the administrative department can also realize that shut the finely melting and assessing of running situation to every area newly and agriculturally, through 15 key indexes, to that all the intersection of pool and district is new and agricultural jointly the operation performance is gone on and quantized and graded wholly. In addition, the province is through setting up exclusive module, the reform of means of payment of promoting all parts to pay on the information platform, pay by norm single number etc., have realized the control of the expenses. Issue and shut the local management rule newly and agriculturally to guarantee peasantry are ensured March 24, 2011 more, 11 21st sessions of Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of province have passed " new rural cooperative medical service regulations of Jiangsu Province ", enter into force on June 1, 2011. This is the first issued in the whole country about new agricultural provincial local regulation shut, advance our province to shut the work to step into the new stage of management abiding by laws newly and agriculturally. First, really reflected and shut newly and agriculturally A Huimin system, can let more peasants participate in, make sure that should protect and protect to the limit. Dissociate outside shutting the system newly and agriculturally in order to prevent because some difficult crowds can not afford to pay the fee, enjoy, shut basic medical guarantee that system offer while being agricultural while being new, " regulation " make the relevant provision. For example, in order to guarantee " non- heavy to leak " ensured in all kinds of medical treatment ,On two kinds in " regulations " " The special circumstances " Make stipulations. One kind is that rural residents move out of here, get back to the inhabitancy of ancestral home again now because of the registered permanent residence of reason of going to school etc., ones that have not participated in or stopped participating in other basic medical insurance, can participate in the shutting newly and agriculturally of the original pool area of household register site. Another to close one pay the fees issue pay the fees neonate that born between the issue to the next one while being agricultural while being new, soldier out of service, stopping participating in special crowds such as the rural residents of other basic medical insurance,etc., can participate in the shutting newly and agriculturally of current year. In 15 workdays from day looking like babies and was born, parents participated in new rural cooperative medical service for their applications, its medical expenses produced from the day of borning include in the new rural cooperative medical service fund and compensate the range, that is to say the rural baby was born to enjoy and shut the treatment newly and agriculturally. Second, set up the clear one for the new agricultural standard of raising funds jointly " The reference system " ,This is a great light spot. " regulations " have made stipulations to the duty that government's organization raised the fund of new rural cooperative medical service through many channels. Defining the pool districting, the government " should set up and is consert with socio-economic development, in conformity with basic medical demand, rely mainly on subsidizing in the government, join the fund-raising that people bore rationally and increase the mechanism dynamically " ,And " confirm the standard of raising funds according to the economics and society development level in this area " . The concrete regulation is: Can't be less than last 3% of per capita net income of peasant of one of this area, among them individual paid the fees the proportion does not generally exceed and raise funds standard 20%. It can't be less than 8 times of per capita net income of peasant last one in this area to pay the limit at most, will also improve and pay the limit to great disease, special number at most. This means peasant's income increases, shut thereupon growth of the total amount of funds newly and agriculturally, ensure horizontally too therefore " Particular things improve with the improvement of the general situation " . Third, make peasants receive more material benefit. Manage two lines of revenue and expenditure to the new rural cooperative medical service fund clearly in " regulations ", special family store, build account, allocate a fund for its specified purpose, emphasize " expenditure any can't use for, join the intersection of people and medical expenses compensate, alone, can't be used in the investment of any kind " ,Define, equal to the fund fund balance of that year while being agricultural while being new ' Includes the risk fund) Should not exceed 10% that raised the total value of funds that year, add up to the balance (including the risk fund) Should not exceed 20% that raised the total value of funds that year, has already guaranteed the new agricultural ability to resist risk of shutting fund, have guaranteed again the fund is made good use of, by resting assured, really using peasant's body to go up to the maximum extent. " regulations " have also really ensured peasants' basic medical care demand, to lightening peasant's burden, promote the fixed medical organization to raise service quality and efficiency, make sure to check and treat rationally, use medicine rationally, control medical expenses, help, participate in people win medical expense, compensate etc., act as the clear regulation in time. If " regulations " stipulate, will shut and set up hierarchical medical treatment and system of changing the place of examination newly and agriculturally bidirectionally progressively, and simplify the procedure of changing the place of examination, the norm changes the place of examination and manages, put emphasis on that can't be delayed because of what the condition needs changing the place of examination, make peasantry get better medical guarantee to the maximum extent.


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