Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jiangsu: Investigate extraordinary - negative AIDS- Whether the expert is called or - probably ended disease-

Jiangsu: Investigate extraordinary - negative AIDS- Whether the expert is called or - probably ended disease-
Jiangsu: Investigate extraordinary - negative AIDS- Whether the expert is called or - probably ended disease-
Yesterday, medias reported, at least six provinces and cities including Guangdong, Jiangsu in the hinterland found one kind was known as " negative AIDS " Diseases mysterious,can travel saliva and blood,infect whether route similar to AIDS. This report attracts the concern of numerous net friends immediately, the net friend is calling out " terror " Simultaneous,too true when is it to suspect by reporting. Relevant experts point out, there is not negative AIDS that has said. The Ministry of Health of Jiangsu carried on the relevant investigation too a few days ago, the result revealed, the body index of the person investigated had not become abnormal. News claims, Ministry of Public Health is expected to release the investigation result in unison within the next few days. Hong Kong produces the news for the first time, a little rich to promote the development of incident Latest the intersection of report and news this the intersection of Hong Kong and media, entitled as " shy overcast to spurt disease generation " . News claims the patient is infected with " It is overcast to spurt the disease " And then, will present lymphocytic swelling, subcutaneous hemorrhage, tongue fur and catch symptoms such as the fine hair,etc., the more terrible one is unable to effect a radical cure, and connect with the infectious disease expert does not also have main threads at all to this virus, but the virus is being spread constantly, six provinces and cities find this virus at least now, the patient reaches thousands of people. According to report of media, person of virus caught before the this generally like night sweat and trick to infect extremely similar symptom with AIDS, but still reveal that negative through numerous HIV examination, the clinical report reveals they do not " have obvious organic disease " ,So they claim to be " The infeted of feminine gender of AIDS " . Hong Kong media reports, suspect virus-infected deep and vast gentlemen of Hong Kong people after a sexual behavior without protective measure happened with the Hong Kong woman net friend who knows half a year, symptom of becoming bad constantly etc. that the lymphocytic and swelling, tongue fur appears from last November and is longer than fine hair, resistance, suspect to pass to the wife even more. He is afraid he catches venereal disease, but after the hospital carries on multiple inspections, the result indicates not to be infected with AIDS or venereal disease. This report " Go out of the street " And then, it is a little rich to upload to soon. In the South one reporter of media find from 7 point more than yesterday morning expose when being famous and a little rich, relevant report, about thousand were transmitted less than noon, this newspaper was followed up rapidly too, interviewed the Guangdong expert, but the experts point out unanimously " Absolutely not AIDS " . Wired a patient All " diseases " Reveal various information to the reporter " ward mate " First - -Jiangsu infect gather in network by 20 many pieces of a lot of ward mate, Guangzhou people really one of the promoters in Yang. Cheng Yang assumed name of him, at a little rich Sina, he claim to be " the clear the infeted " ,"I am a patient among them, after there is sexual behavior not clean on July 9 last year, there was similar symptom the next evening, including regurgitation, dizzy and vomiting, there is rash that itches etc. on one's body. " "Are a lot of people's terrific symptoms the long fine hair of tongue? " Reporter sincere to solve to Yang, he tells reporters: "Does not have, mainly the tongue turns white, a lot of ward mates are regarded as the long fine hair by mistake. Since there is this ' the disease ', I surfed the Net to exchange repeatedly, found this website finally. More than 200 about individuals in the network now, all have similar symptom. " According to these " Disease " Introduce, the " overcast to spurt disease " Patient Guangdong is the most, " the infeted " of Jiangsu There are more than 20. This " disease " Having brought to Yang Cheng and perplexed greatly, " go back to the home of Guangxi on the Spring Festival, I do not dare to have a meal with family members, all individual servings, pass ' the disease ' to family in order to avoid. Because some ward mate family members are infected with. " " ward mate " Second - -" I am stricken with anxiety and fear every day " There is such calling oneself ill in Nanjing too " The infeted " ,Luo Hai ( Assumed name) It is one of them. Luo Hai is a university student at school, the native in Guizhou, " ill " Already more than one year. According to his introduction, the sign that oneself has not taken a favorable turn yet is stricken with anxiety and fear every day. "Muscles feel all over me that wither now, people are much thinner, the tongue turns white. The bone aches. Having already measured HIV three times, results are all negative. " Luo Hai calls oneself, the source making him frightened is: "Net friend and I have had a kiss, later there was such a symptom. " Reporter know, claim, suffer from " overcast to spurt disease " "patient" ,Even measure HIV virus after being a negative result many times, but they insist on suspecting that have disease oneself, and received " The unknown virus " Infection. The reporter relates to Guangdong of other places " Patient " ,During one month, made HIV seven times to measure, are all negative results. The common characteristic that these diseases describe is that " bone aching, muscle aching, tongue turning white, immunity is low, some even walk, the bone joint can send out the noise of the of " ,The majority has sex contact not clean. " ward mate " Third - -Some are " infected with " Have nothing to do with the sex A ward mate has revealed 39 -year-old one in Huaian of Jiangsu " The old colt " Contact detail. " ward mate " Introduce, " old colt " Condition serious most,circle li, I see. Reporter's telephone interview " The old colt " ,He tell reporter whether infection of disease this either might not pass the intersection of and contact, "I the disease, have with the intersection of sex and some relation, must ' disease ' have over one o'clock, have not thought to any AIDS at all at first. Because bone ache and nerve ache, it suspects to be rheumatoid at first, go hospital check, all results had nothing unusual, looked for on the net later, had found there were many ward mates like me. My head now is very painful. " " old colt " Very say, according to every judgement, he is " droplets " certainly Infected with. Later on he finds, there are many QQ group which discuss this disease on the net, then often have QQ to exchange with net friend. "Ward mate's overwhelming majority has not been met. Had been to Ministry of Public Health once last year, there are four people altogether, saw the surface with the ward mate that time. Other people, like me, the most obvious one is that the tongue turns white, like a piece of blank sheet of paper. " " ward mate " Man - -Suspect that was spread to me by a colleague Shenzhen Wang Qiang ( Assumed name) It is one of the 59 people who gather blood specimen some times, he tells reporters, in November of 2009, after they will reflect the situation to the Ministry of Health, have got the response. The Ministry of Health has convened 60 people in physical examination of the hospital of Temple of Earth of Beijing, a person among them wonders what reason did not come. At the end of 2009, the inspection result came out, has not found anything unusual. The expert thinks this disease mainly results from spiritual factor. In January of this year, Wang Qiang hears of from other ward mates, sample of that batch of blood has already been sent to U.S.A.. Wang Qiang tells reporters: "I am who presents symptom at the beginning of March of 2008, all enlargement of lymph nodes so far, having contact, suspected that was infected by a colleague, because went to the hospital to see the doctor originally, It happened that ran into the colleague, two people's condition is nearly the same. " The official statement Ministry of Public Health: ? Does �� patrol the China fir? 9 the intersection of people and blood specimen report of the media verifies king's strong statement about gathering the blood specimen too before the this. It is reported, recently, disease of Ministry of Public Health is prevented and cotrolled to the relevant person in charge of the office to say when being interviewed by media, Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Hunan, Jiangsu, Guangdong be begun already six provinces and cities to so-called " It is overcast to spurt the disease " Carry on epidemiology to investigate, analyze the concrete cause of disease. Include every province disease investigated in epidemiology and accuse of blood of 59 patients that the centre gathers in a plurality of places, have already sent the laboratory of U.S.A. to measure. Yang Cheng says to the reporter, it is really such too, 59 people's blood sample has been sent to U.S.A. and has measured. "It takes the collection of the whole sample and one year when domestic test probably dawdle, but the result has no question. These blood specimens are sent to U.S.A. and measured on January 6 this year. " In the reporter's interview, no matter Luo Hai or " old colt " ,Not in this list. " old colt " Tell reporters: "Probably there are only two people in 59 people lists in Jiangsu, but all there are not contact details, it is very difficult to get in touch with for the moment. " The department of public health of Jiangsu: The inspection results are all introduced by normal relevant persons of department of public health of Jiangsu Province, according to the list which Ministry of Public Health offered, they established the special group of inquiry rapidly in March of this year, and set up science, rigorous investigation scheme, pass 7 of mobile phone, network and Jiangsu " Narrate and is infected with AIDS " Person go on connection. But two refuse to investigate, investigate actually the number of people is 5, and in 5 people among them, one people unwilling to accept CD4 ' Immunological function) The index is measured. Through check, 5 AIDS of people measure as negative, and the immunological function is normal too. Evidence does not indicate yet they have been infected with the new virus. It is introduced, at present, 5 people's life, work are not influenced, does not need to investigate in hospital either. Investigate in the course, the expert dredges the psychology at the same time too. 5 people have expressed thanks for local Ministry of Health. Can still say close high concern as to this, them by personage, department of public health of Jiangsu Province, in the future. More detailed result will wait for the national Ministry of Health to announce possibly, because Jiangsu is only one of the investigation provinces among them, there is partial and few and the sample amount. Expert " overcast to spurt disease " view have The saying is suspected to be " Terrific Erik's disease " Second chief physician of hospital infectious disease department Yao WenHu in Nanjing tells reporters, do not have " negative AIDS " This statement, it is not positive that AIDS antibody is examined, how can call " AIDS " ? In addition, a lot of people are more frightened psychologically after the high-risk behaviour. "We have such a patient too at being clinical, always feel nervous, have rash on one's body. It is people in case of spiritual high pressure not to get rid of this, the immune system becomes bad, cause disease to take advantage of a weak point. " Chief physician of the People's Hospital of Jiangsu Province infectious disease department Zhou DongHui shows too, do not have " negative AIDS " Statement this, can't because high to endanger after the sexual behavior appearing rash, enlargement of lymph nodes right away think to have new virus in people in some either. An expert in Jiangsu still points out, though the's symptom is described very carefully, but basically experience subjectively, pass medical check if unusual that there is not any, possibility mainly from " Terrific Erik's disease " Have initiated body symptom. The media reports, Chinese AIDS preventing and controlling expert Sheen in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region thinks, thinks oneself is infected with the crowd of the unknown virus, some people have psychological obstacles at least. And according to Hong Kong media, Deputy Bureau Director of Guangzhou Municipal Health Bureau, infectious disease Tang XiaoPing, chief of research institute in Guangzhou think, at present not to have on medical science" Negative AIDS is infected " ,He emphasizes if the AIDS antibody is examined not positive, it can not be AIDS or AIDS mutation. In fact, a lot of net friends on net think too to this, these patients are mainly psychological function, it is a hysteria range, really there is manifestation on body sometimes in hysteria. However, ward mate including that Yang is sincere, show to the statement of disease of probably ending that does not approve of very much. "The discomfort on our body really exists at least. " It is OK for the laboratory of U.S.A. to measure 1/3 of the blood specimens While interviewing, Yang Cheng tells reporters, he has just seen that there is the latest news on websites of Chinese Medical Association's public health branch, this website is this batch " Disease " The bridge communicating with the expert, often release some latest news too. Find such piece of news after reporter's login: "Has just received the news from the American laboratory, they have already finished the monitoring of 1/3 of the samples so far, has not still found that there is virus that is infected, as to ward mate, this should be a good news. We urge them gauge remaining sample, because experiment need very much loud cost, and this laboratory is undertaking much work, it is engaged in that there are no full-time personnel should measure, so it also needs time to receive all testing results. But they tell us, invite everybody to support and understand to the work in the American laboratory as soon as possible after already promising to receive the result. " Yang Cheng tells reporters, as to such a result, in fact he expects in the heart early, just feel very sorry. He hopes the truth can come in an early one day, " it is not AIDS, do not represent that there are not other diseases. "


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