Saturday, August 11, 2012

Jiangxi Yugan exposes to the sun a thousand children and has a high fever The health bureau claims department mouths of brothers are ill

Jiangxi Yugan exposes to the sun a thousand children and has a high fever The health bureau claims department mouths of brothers are ill
Jiangxi Yugan exposes to the sun a thousand children and has a high fever The health bureau claims department mouths of brothers are ill
"Children in Yugan county of Jiangxi Province all caught a kind of disease recently, more than 1,000 people caught this kind of disease now. Have a high fever, then oral cavity blow bubble, mortality quite high, it knows to be what disease does it plant specifically now, the government department has not announced this news " A invitation that some forum spreads, initiate netizens to pay close attention to recently. To sticking to the gentle statement, sign it for " county hospital of Yugan " Responded after sticking to gently at 23 on June 8. The reporter of confirms through the connection it is a county hospital of Yugan that responds. Respond the full text as follows: Thank net friend to the intersection of I and healthy concern and concern, children of county, so as, stick to, announce the intersection of net friend and " William come on " to society objectively sincerely as the intersection of hygiene and responsible institution Required truth: 1, A kind of children's disease that the net friend reflects, has already got my disease in the county and accused of the affirmation of the department, the intersection of children and the intersection of brothers and the intersection of mouth and disease in fact, belong to class-C infectious disease. Children brothers' mouth disease begins from the beginning of the year, my county distributes sporadicly promptly as other counties and cities of the whole province, it is high-incidence season in May - July, by will it be 12 hour June 8, 2011, my county finds 406 brothers' mouth diseases together this year, 9 serious disease cases among them, 1 case of death. All value disease infant's transferring to the provincial fixed hospital and treating and curing according to the request of hygiene responsible institutions of province and city. The light disease case is treated and cured in the fixed hospital at county level, has already recovered home in majority. 2,In the face of the intersection of I and mouth disease epidemic situation, brothers of county, county Party committee, county government pay close attention to, the county Party committee, county government chief leader point out, should try their best to take the positive and effective measure of prevention and control, the county government did careful arrangement after holding the special meeting in time too, county, township, village tertiary to prevent and control network, strengthen, form hygiene, education, the intersection of medicine and the intersection of person who supervise, propagate and department and the intersection of villages and towns and situation of prevention and control that government take charge in unison and jointly administrate. 3,Since the epidemic situation took place, the Ministry of Health of my county has replied conscientiously, handle scientifically, prevent and control synthetically, have done the work of five following respects well actively: First, devoted more efforts to propagating and educating pointedly. The Ministry of Health is under the energetical support of news media, TV station in the county in Yugan of time of high frequency, the window websites of Yugan, the brothers of children of newspaper of Yugan of today have mouth ill ABC, measure of prevention and control, preventing the means, treated and cured the method, route, epidemic situation to prevent and control contents such as progress,etc. and carried on open, transparent propaganda report and announcement. Second, launched the training of team of a disease prevention and control of brothers actively. My county successively prevented and controlled personnel to prevent and control the villages and towns and treat and cure knowledge to train three times from the beginning of this year, have paid knowledge of prevention and control two times to train to the rural doctor, and carried on the knowledge of prevention and control and passed a barrier and had an examination respectively, train villages and towns prevent and control personnel 126 person altogether, train at village level to prevent and control personnel 2300 over person. Third, strengthened the reporting system of information. The emergence of brothers' mouth disease has always implemented the reporting system of infectious disease in my county on request, enter May high-incidence season, for control epidemic situation and carry out find, early report, early the intersection of prevention and control and tactics that treat early strictly tightly, having implemented a reporting system, it is in 17 every day to require the villages and towns: Report the ill epidemic situation of local mouths of brothers to county hospital before 00 o'clock. The county hospital has given a report to the hygiene responsible institution of higher level objectively in time on request too, have never concealed, failed to report the behavior. Fourth, strengthened science to treat and cure. All brothers and a disease treat and cure the target, depend on the requirements of the responsible institutions of province and city, treat and cure according to the scientific procedure. The county people's hospital treats and cures the hospital by fixed position for my county, all makes a definite diagnosis of the case and must be passed on to the county people's hospital on request, the serious disease case as diagnosed definitely by experts of province and city must be passed on to the provincial fixed hospital and treated and cured, or treat and cure in the hospital at county level under the guidance of experts of province and city. Fifth, through preventing and controlling actively, the ill epidemic situation of mouths of brothers of my county has already got effective control at present, the morbidity drops gradually, the tranquil mood of the general public of urban and rural residents, the measure of prevention and control of the Ministry of Health has got the support and understanding of the various circles of society too. County hospital of Yugan 23 on June 8, 2011 (reporter Geng Cong)


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