Saturday, March 31, 2012

Can relieve involutional symptom while taking the health product of soybean

Can relieve involutional symptom while taking the health product of soybean
Can relieve involutional symptom while taking the health product of soybean
U.S.A. discovers, may take additive of soybean and may not lighten the function of women's involutional symptom, function of the ones that have not prevented involutional osteoporosis either. Women's health study organization (WHI) Substitute the finding treating to hormone, using estrogen and progestogen will increase the risk of heart disease and cancer, women have not directed against the involutional question clear treatment, so, additive of soybean without risk has been welcomed. But,Miami University Miller the medical college one Levis and research companion recently in "in scientific literature "it is point out to last survey report, those women who have taken additive of soybean every day for two years in succession, compare with control group that takes placebo, involutional symptom does not have any that is improved. Levis group enters involutional woman 248 to divide into two groups, the person of the half of them takes additive of 200 milligrams of soybean every day, this weight is two times more enriched with diet of soybean; Another part is taken placebo, time is two years. When follow up a case by regular visits to, find it is the same that these two groups of person's backbones and bone density of the hip run off the quantity in two years, the quantity of the involutional symptom is similar too that their report appears, but soybean additive groups presents flush women a little fewer. There are 48% women not to appear flushly to have 32%, additive group in the placebo group. The stomach has happened and digest the problem to some people of additive group, such as constipation, but there is no serious side effect related to additive. This newspaper is comprehensive


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